Saturday 29 February 2020

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Learn Yoga life! Long Happy life!

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Friday 28 February 2020

Four Primary Types of Yoga
Many ways to practice Yoga to unite with  bliss and enlightenment.Current practice involves four primary types of Yoga.
Karma,bhakthi,jnana & raja.

Eight Types of Yoga

  1. Vinyasa Yoga:Popular at most studios and gyms.
  2. .Ashtanga Yoga:Its means eight limbs and encompasses a yogic lifestyle.
  3. Iyengar Yoga:Based on eight limbs,Iyengar yoga named afterB.K.S.
  4. Bikram Yoga
  5. Jivamukti Yoga.
  6. Power Yoga
  7. Sivananda Yoga
  8. Yin Yoga.

Introduction & Meaning of  "YOGA'

Yoga is an art and science of healthy living.Yoga derived from sanscrit root "yuj"means "to join" or "to unite".Its brings harmony between body and mind.

Thursday 27 February 2020

Health Benefits of Yoga

Yoga is ideal exercise of body to gets several benefits and strong body.Its gives peaceful mind.Yoga practices improve health,healaches,pains andkeep sickness at bay.

Yoga Necessary to Life

Yoga necessary to life.Its forms physicalpostures,proper breathing,rest and relaxation,meditation,balances diet,positive thinking and so on.