Wednesday 24 November 2021


 Essential Sitting Postures with Benefits 

JANU SIRSASANA: Correct foot position 

Sit up straight with legs uniformly stretched out in front. Curve the right leg at the knee and spot the foot so the impact point is in the right crotch and the front of the foot contacts the left thigh. Turn the foot so the lower part of the foot is confronting vertically and press the knee back to frame an uncaring point with the body. This position will be troublesome from the start; don't constrain it. Put a collapsed cover under the knee and furthermore under the hips. Slowly the knee will move farther back. Simply keep the foot accurately situated. 

JANU SIRSASANA: Correct, wonderful stance 

Having situated the foot and knee effectively, stretch the forgot about leg, keeping the leg solidly on the mat. Settle the heel solidly and stretch the toes up. (The impact point should pull delicately away from the lower leg.) Now breathe in and twist forward over the straight leg, getting the foot with two hands if conceivable. Amateurs should twist just to the furthest extent that they can without adjusting the back. At the point when this stance is done accurately and totally, the body will continue ahead over the drawn out leg, totally level from the tail unresolved issue head. Remain there breathing typically however long you can. Breathe in, discharge the handhold, come up without a hitch, fix the bowed leg and unwind. Rehash on opposite side. 

JANU SIRSASANA: Wrong stance 

The heel isn't situated against its own thigh. The knee has not been pushed back quite far to shape an insensitive point. The back is bumped and bended in light of the fact that the pelvis is stuck and incapable to lift appropriately. Rather than a smooth, complete extending of the spine, the lumbar is over-extended and the remainder of the spine choked. The left leg isn't level on the floor. 

TRIANG MUKHAIPADA PASCHIMOTTANASANA: Sitting, forward-bowing posture more than one leg 

This stance for the most part follows the past one. Sit with your legs extended in front. Curve the right leg with the goal that the right foot is close to the right hip. The toes should point back. The right calf presses against the right thigh. The body will shift in this position so put a little collapsed towel under the passed on butt cheek to keep the hips level and the forward stretch even and expanded. Hold the left foot with two hands, breathe in and twist forward, keeping the two knees together as you stretch forward over the straight leg. Numerous understudies will see it troublesome in this situation to try and grab hold of the foot of the outstretched leg. Try not to surrender. Simply hold the knee, shin or lower leg, and sit, breathing profoundly, in whichever position addresses your best augmentation. In the event that the back is tight and the spine unbendable, this will set aside time. Delivery the hold and fix the twisted leg. Rehash on the opposite side.


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